Ways to Improve your Communication Skills in Job Applications

Good communication skills in job applications are vital to stand out. Read here to hone your communication skills!

Good communication skills in job applications is a foundation you need to build. It may be different for each company or discretionary on the recruiter’s part. Still, the application process generally includes two essential elements: submitting a resume and cover letter and attending the interview. In both of these, your communication skills are crucial. You may be qualified, but it won’t reach the recruiter if you can’t communicate it effectively and in a professional manner. Doing so would get the job sooner than later. Thus, you need to level up your communication skills in job applications.

What are communication skills? 

Good communication skills in job applications is a foundation you need to build. It may be different for each company or discretionary on the recruiter’s part. Still, the application process generally includes two essential elements: submitting a resume and cover letter and attending the interview. In both of these, your communication skills are crucial. You may be qualified, but it won’t reach the recruiter if you can’t communicate it effectively. You need to level up your communication skills in job applications.

Why are communication skills in job applications essential? 

Good communication skills in job applications are vital for many reasons. First, clear and effective communication is necessary to convey your qualifications and experience to the hiring manager properly. It must be present from the resume up to your time for the interview. Second, it will allow you to build rapport with the interviewer and make a positive impression. Practicing your communication skills can increase your chances of landing the job you want.

What communication skills in job applications do you need to work on? 

Read them below! 

An applicant editing her resume to improve her communication skills in job applications.

In a resume 

1. Prioritize research. 

If you want to improve your communication skills in job applications, prioritize researching the company you’re applying for. The better you understand the company’s culture, values, and mission, the easier it will be to craft a communication style that will resonate with them. In addition, by doing your research, you’ll be able to anticipate questions they might have and prepare thoughtful well-informed answers. Finally, taking the time to research a company shows that you’re genuinely interested in the opportunity and willing to put in the extra effort – both of which are attractive qualities in any job applicant. 

2. Be responsive to the job post. 

With many qualified candidates vying for the same position, standing out from the crowd is essential. One way to do this is to be responsive to the job post. This means carefully reading the job description and tailoring your application to meet the specific requirements. 

For example, if the job post calls for a Virtual Medical Assistant, summarize your relevant experience for the position. It may include how you managed EHRs, called patients for follow-up, or served as a medical scribe. 

3. Utilize stronger action verbs rather than ambiguous ones. 

One way to improve your communication skills in job applications is to use stronger, more specific action verbs. Vague verbs like “help,” “work on,” and “assist with” can leave your reader unsure of what exactly you did. Instead, try to use specific verbs that describe your actual tasks and responsibilities. 

If you were a previous medical biller, you could say that you “reviewed patients’ bills for accuracy” and “filled in missing information.” By referring to specific tasks, you can inform the recruiter how your work contributed to the overall goal. This will help them to see you as a capable worker, which can improve your chances of getting the job.

An applicant proofreading her resume to improve her communication skills in job applications.

In a cover letter

1. Write a strong opening.

One of the best ways to showcase your communication skills is through a strong opening line in your cover letter. Whether you’re highlighting your customer service experience or explaining why you’re the perfect fit for the job, a well-crafted opening line can hook the recruiter immediately. So if you want to improve your communication skills in job applications, start with a solid introduction.

2. Convey the right tone.

The tone of your cover letter should be professional and positive, and it should avoid sounding pushy or arrogant. Further, focus on conveying your enthusiasm for the job and confidence in your ability to do the job well. By keeping watch of your tone in the job application, you can advance your communication skills in job applications.

3. Keep it concise. 

Sometimes, not saying something is saying something. So, make sure to keep your cover letter concise. Recruiters are often inundated with applications and may not have time to read through a lengthy letter. Instead, they want to see a clear and brief summary of your qualifications. A well-written cover letter should be no more than one page and focus on your most relevant qualifications for the position.

An applicant preparing to improve her communication skills in job applications.

In an interview

1. Be aware of your nonverbal communication.

Communication skills in job applications are not just about what you say. It also includes your body language. You must be aware of your nonverbal communication when you are in a job interview. This includes things like your posture, facial expressions, and hand gestures. If you appear disinterested or unengaged, the interviewer is likely to pick upon that, which could negatively impact your chances of getting the job. Conversely, showing interest and engagement in the conversation will reflect positively on you as a candidate.

2. Don’t just talk; listen too.

Pay close attention to the recruiter during the interview and listen carefully to what they say. This will demonstrate that you are eager to learn more about the company. Additionally, by actively listening to the interviewer, you will be able to ask more informed questions, and better sell yourself as a candidate. So when you’re sitting across from the recruiter, give them your full attention and listen to what they have to say.

3. Exude confidence.

There are several things you can do to exude confidence during an interview. First, make sure you are well-prepared. Review the job posting and familiarize yourself with the company’s mission and values. Secondly, practice your answers to common interview questions. This will help you to feel more confident and avoid getting tongue-tied during the interview. 

Finally, remember to make eye contact and speak clearly. Don’t talk too fast or say many things all at once. Properly articulating your words will show employers that you are the right person for the job.

4. Choose the right words.

When you’re in an interview, the words you use matter. You want to come across as articulate, intelligent, and professional. This means choosing your words carefully. Avoid using slang or any swear words. Instead, use the jargon relevant to the position as much as possible. It can showcase your qualifications and experience for the job.

5. Keep it brief.

One tip for acing a job interview is to keep your answers short and brief. This may seem like standard advice, but you can forget it at the moment because of nervousness. Asking for clarification or taking too long to answer a question can make you appear nervous or unprepared. Instead, take a deep breath and focus on communicating your thoughts clearly and concisely. This will show that you have strong communication skills, which are essential in most jobs. So next time you’re in an interview, keep your answers short and sweet.

Be confident and send that application now!

If you’re unsure about your chances of success, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re just as capable as anyone else. The only way to achieve your goals is to take action, so don’t let your fears hold you back. Send in that application now and see where it takes you. Who knows? You might just surprise yourself. Check out our job openings here!