7 Timely Virtual Assistant Resume Tips

If you’re looking for Virtual Assistant resume tips, you’re on the right path. Finish this blog to build a resume that will stand out among the rest!

What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Before you draft your resume and get hired in this field, you must know what this entails.  

A Virtual Assistant is generally an administrative professional who provides dedicated, remote support to busy entrepreneurs and professionals. These assistants typically work from home or another remote location, providing support over the phone or online through messaging, video conferencing, and other forms of communication. 

Virtual assistants are highly organized and assist clients with a broad range of tasks. Examples include managing calendars, making travel arrangements, scheduling appointments, submitting expense reports, drafting correspondence, conducting research, planning events, and more. With the help of Virtual Assistants (VAs), it’s now easier than ever before to streamline business processes while freeing up valuable time to pursue other activities essential to business success.

Read more: How to be a General Virtual Assistant

What are the benefits of becoming a Virtual Assistant?

Working as a virtual assistant has become an increasingly popular career path, offering flexible working hours and the ability to work while traveling. Virtual assistants typically provide administrative, organizational, or professional support from either their own home or other remote locations. 

Working remotely can save you time and money traveling to and from work which is excellent if you have a family at home with children whose lives need managing too. Finally, being a virtual assistant also provides the potential opportunity to increase your earnings as you gain more experience in the role.

Importance of a well-written Virtual Assistant Resume

A well-written Virtual Assistant resume is especially essential in this field as employers cannot assess you face-to-face. Employers need to get a clear idea of how qualified you are for the role and how you will fit into their business. A comprehensive, engaging resume will be key in demonstrating your skills, experience, and achievements that support your candidacy to potential employers. 

It also shows that you have taken time to understand the company and tailor your application according to the job requirements. Finally, it presents you as a professional, organized, highly skilled candidate who deserves serious consideration.

Here are the Virtual Assistant resume tips you need to apply now!

An applicant preparing the format of her Virtual Assistant resume.

1. Get the basics out of the way 

Crafting a Virtual Assistant resume that stands out is no easy task. To ensure you put your best foot forward, it’s crucial to spend time perfecting your resume’s format, grammar, and content. You can provide your virtual assistant skills and experience shine through with the right approach. 

Begin by following appropriate formatting standards, such as having clear section titles and avoiding dense paragraphs of text. After this step, double-check punctuation and grammar to catch any typos—even minor errors can impact the overall impression. Finally, create tight, concise descriptions that provide enough detail without going overboard. Hiring managers are looking for brevity and accurate information highlighting what you can bring to the role. Taking extra steps like these during the writing process will increase your resume’s chances for success!

An applicant emphasizing her experience working remotely for her Virtual Assistant resume.

2. Emphasize your experience working remotely

This profession is becoming increasingly popular as many companies are looking to outsource. Therefore, it is imperative to have a resume that outlines your experience and emphasizes your ability to work remotely. Keep in mind this job needs to be comfortable with technology, so be sure your Virtual Assistant resume also highlights your technical skill set.  

Start with listing any VA positions you have had in the past and provide tangible details on your responsibilities while in the role. Additionally, show that you have been successful working offsite and can collaborate with people remotely by highlighting projects you have completed or challenges you face while working in a virtual place. By emphasizing your virtual working experience, potential employers will see that you have the necessary skills to work away from the office and can work with minimal supervision.

An applicant aligning her skills with the needed position for her Virtual Assistant resume.

3. Align your skills with the needed position

Hiring managers are aware that you possess a plethora of skills but putting each and everyone is not the way to go. When applying, the best way to stand out from the other applicants is by ensuring that your resume is tailored to the job post. 

For example, if the job post requires flexibility, highlight your skills that align with this role. When it calls for problem-solving and communication experience, draw attention to previous successes where you have exemplified these qualities. By carefully editing your Virtual Assistant resume to include all the requirements and experiences needed, you can be certain that employers will notice it.

An applicant highlighting only relevant experience  her Virtual Assistant resume.

4. Highlight only relevant experience

When creating a Virtual Assistant resume, it is essential to remember one key point–only include experience that is relevant to the job. You should not involve job, project, or task you have taken in your career in your Virtual Assistant resume. Instead, pick experiences that showcase your ability and skill set for potential employers. Evaluate each section of your resume across the board to ensure only the most pertinent information is included, helping catch the eye of hiring managers and land yourself a great Virtual Assistant job.

An applicant using keywords referencing the job post for her Virtual Assistant resume.

5. Use keywords referencing the job post

Writing a resume can be challenging, especially when employers are looking for specific skills. When preparing your Virtual Assistant resume, there are several tips to consider that could help you stand out amongst the competition. First, focus on keyword optimization; research VA job listings and take note of the keywords and phrases used. Ensure these words appear in your resume to get noticed.

An applicant using keywords listing the software she used before for her Virtual Assistant resume.

6. List the software you used before

To stand out among numerous applicants, it is essential to list the software that you used in your previous jobs. This can include programs such as Microsoft Excel and Word, Google Suite, Basecamp, Zoom, or Trello. Accessing these platforms can demonstrate a well-rounded knowledge of VA duties, plus show potential employers that you are comfortable working with various tech platforms. Utilizing this information on your Virtual Assistant resume will likely capture your potential employer’s attention and show you have the skills for the job.

An applicant double-checking her resume for her Virtual Assistant resume.

7. Double-check your resume

Virtual Assistant resumes require as much attention, focus, and care to ensure you present a vivid image of your capabilities. When done correctly, your resume can quickly jump out from the competition. Taking a few extra minutes to ensure you maximize the impact of your credentials may be the difference between securing an interview and being overlooked. 

Make sure you re-read and double-check your Virtual Assistant resume for accuracy, grammar, punctuation, and consistency throughout. Doing so will help guarantee that any hiring manager you encounter is captivated by your qualifications!

It’s time to become Core’s Virtual Assistant! 

Don’t rush things. Take time to build your Virtual Assistant resume. Review each section carefully, as this will be your first foot in the field of VAs. When you’ve followed these tips, then it’s time! Send your Virtual Assistant resume here!